admin on August 28, 2016

Got nowhere to go for your vacation but don't want to go that far? Feeling sick of Jakarta's urban ambiance? Then Klenteng Kim Tek Ie might just be your antidote to your mundane activities!

The beauty of the Chinese tradition, history of the place, buddhism and other asian beliefs are the reason of why Klenteng Kim Tek Ie is a gem of its own.

:andmark Review

To know more about Klenteng Kim Tek Ie in advance, PERFILMA FHUI has released a landmark review of Klenteng Kim Tek Ie!

Click on the link: to enjoy the video and don't forget to like the video and share it to your friends!

PERFILMA, We Are The Media!

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Badan Otonom Pers, Fotografi, Film dan Musik Mahasiswa (PERFILMA) adalah organisasi di FHUI yang mengasah kemampuan pers, fotografi, film dan musik di lingkup kampus khususnya lingkup FHUI. Tujuan dari PERFILMA adalah menjadi sarana untuk mengembangkan kreativitas dan juga menambah pengetahuan di bidangnya.

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